Test, Exam and Assessment Results

We consider attainment and achievement to be outstanding. Students leave the school with an outstanding portfolio of academic qualifications. They are well qualified, well rounded young women and are well equipped for varied, fulfilling careers. The outstanding results achieved are testament to the hard work of students, the professionalism and dedication of staff, the continuing support of parents and the guidance and direction of trustees. They further cement The Folkestone School for Girls' already enviable reputation, locally and nationally, for delivering consistently outstanding academic results.

Year 11 2023

The latest exam results for Key Stage 4 are as follows:

Performance Measure
Percentage of pupils achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and GCSE maths (combined) 74%
Progress 8 score 0.34
Attainment 8 score 64.0
Percentage of pupils staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 99%
Percentage of pupils who were entered for the English Baccalaureate* (Ebacc) 64%
Ebacc average point score (APS) 5.75

*The Ebacc consists of English, Mathematics, Science, Geography or History AND a Modern Foreign Language. Not all students had elected to study this particular combination of subjects.

Year 13 2023

The latest exam results for Key Stage 5 are as follows:

Performance Measure
A*-E grades (pass rate) 99.5%
A*/A grades 30%
A*-B grades 57%
Average result A-Levels Grade - B-
Points - 37
Average result applied general qualifications


Grade - Merit+
Points - 36.31
Average result academic qualifications (including A-Levels) Grade - B-
Points - 37.17
Progress Score n/a
Retention 99%

Destinations post 18:

Sustained education, employment or training 2020/2021 - 88% (significant covid impact - 2019/2020 figure was 92%)

Destination not sustained - 11% (significant covid impact - 2019/2020 figure was 6%)

Activity not captured - 1%