Selection Tests

The Shepway Test 2024

The Shepway Test for Year 7 entry in 2025 will take place on Saturday 14th September 2024.

We suggest, for the time being, you keep the whole day free as we cannot confirm definitive timings until we have final numbers.

Registration for the Shepway test closed on 19th July 2024.

Invitation emails will be sent w.c. 2nd September 2024.

Information & Guidance for the Selection Tests

The statutory admission process in Kent is that students who wish to be considered for entry to Year 7 in September into any selective school should take the Kent Test and their parents then have to complete a Secondary Common Application Form. The Kent Test comprises Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning papers and a piece of writing, which is taken into account should there be a Headteacher Appeal.

Once a student has taken the Kent Test, it is marked and the primary school Headteachers are notified of the scores for their students. If a student has not been assessed as selective but their Headteacher thinks that they should have been deemed selective the Headteacher can appeal on the student’s behalf. A panel of Headteachers then assesses the student’s work and the written work that was submitted for the Kent Test and they determine whether or not the student should be assessed as selective.

Hence the eligibility for a grammar school place across Kent is determined by the Kent Test and/or the Headteacher Appeal, where this has been carried out.

For information on the Kent Test:

The Shepway Test

In addition, The Folkestone School for Girls, alongside The Harvey Grammar School runs ‘The Shepway Test’. This is a test developed by CEM at Cambridge University.

The Shepway Test effectively gives students a second chance to show that they are of selective ability.

The Shepway Test in the main is a computer-based test which assesses verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and mathematics. There is also a handwritten creative writing test, which forms part of the overall assessment of ability.

Students only have to achieve the required standard in either the Kent Test or the Shepway test in order to be deemed selective.

The Shepway test for girls is held at the Folkestone School for Girls and at Harvey Grammar School for the boys.

The Shepway Test Format

CEM Familiarisation Test

Click Here to try the CEM familiarisation test

Please note this version will only work on a desktop PC with an up to date version of Adobe Flash Player and will not work on Phones or tablets. Alternatively please click the link below to view an example of the test via a PDF.

CEM Familiarisation Test Example

Written test

The written test consists of the following elements:

- Half an hour of creative writing

Computer test

The computer test consists of the following elements:

- Comprehension

- Vocabulary and understanding of Words

- Mathematics

- Non-verbal reasoning